Time to bid a fond farewell to the lads and lassies of Hamilton Grammar School's Higher Business Management 2007-08. They are all off to pastures new, be that work, college or university. Some are going to to Civil Engineering, Primary School Teaching, Optometry, Risk Management, Fashion Marketing, Psychology, Accounting, Geography, Music and of course Business!
There are a few missing from this picture but I wish every single one of them all the best for the future. As a group they were a brilliant bunch, and individually they were highly talented. I am sure we'll hear from them again in the future. Perhaps a few budding Donald Trumps? As long as when they've made their first million they come and make sure they see their old teacher alright!
It is safe to say that they were a special group, and in fact they reminded me of my very first Higher class at Mearns Castle High School, who were also a unique bunch of students. There is nothing more satisfying when you bump into former pupils and they are pleased to see you. I have met a few of my former MCHS class in various places and it's such a great feeling when they thank you for your help!
As for my HGS bunch: I am very proud of them and I am not afraid to say I will miss them! I do have one major regret though. I never got them to do the whole Dead Poets Society thing... "Captain, o my captain!". CARPE DIEM!