Mr Marcus McGowan MSc PgDip BA (Hons)

This Business Education Learning Blog is aimed primarily at Higher Business Management students/teachers and ICT students/teachers.

The aim of this blog is to provide you with interesting articles, news, trivia as well as resources or links to materials which will help in your course of study.

I am a Teacher of Business Education and I have written for Education Scotland and BBC Bitesize.

If you'd like to contact me please click on the link to: email me

Monday, 11 January 2010

Higher Administration - Calculations in Reports Reminder

Since we are doing this in class and I admit I forget this step all the time, let's put it on here!

So if we are doing a complex calculation the first thing we do is:

1. Draw a LABEL

2. Draw a TEXT BOX (which corresponds to the LABEL)

3. Right click TEXT BOX and click PROPERTIES

4. In CONTROL SOURCE then key in the formula. Remember to add in the round brackets...

i.e. =([Quantity]*[Price per item])

5. Use the other itemms such as DECIMAL PLACES or FORMAT to complete what is asked.

So there we have a simple, straightforward way of doing a difficult task.

Also remember that the easier calculations such as SUM and AVG must be completed using SUMMARY OPTIONS when you are going through the REPORT WIZARD.

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