Mr Marcus McGowan MSc PgDip BA (Hons)

This Business Education Learning Blog is aimed primarily at Higher Business Management students/teachers and ICT students/teachers.

The aim of this blog is to provide you with interesting articles, news, trivia as well as resources or links to materials which will help in your course of study.

I am a Teacher of Business Education and I have written for Education Scotland and BBC Bitesize.

If you'd like to contact me please click on the link to: email me

Friday, 1 January 2010

Motivation for 2010

Happy New Year to everyone. 2010 is here!

In 1910, it is rumoured that the above advert was placed in a London newspaper by Sir Ernest Shackleton, a famous Polar explorer.

Shackleton advertised for men to come on his Antarctic adventure and told the blunt truth. Long winter nights, safe return doubtful. Recognition only if we make it back!

Some 20,000 applicants applied. The original X Factor?

Some have argued about the veracity of this famous advert and indeed it may be apocryphal. However whether it is true or not it does somehow speak of a bygone age where to become rich and famous you had to work hard, have talent and actually do something. Sadly in the modern age of the Internet and Reality TV people can become "famous for 15 minutes" just like Andy Warhol said, even when having no discernible talent.

So why post this on the 1st day of the new decade?

To remind students, learners and young people in general that in order to achieve their potential and become successful, there has to be sacrifices and determination. You don't fluke it and become successful. Hard work lays the foundation for any future success. Natural talent is needed, yes. But practising, working hard and setting goals for oneself are vital. Aim for the stars and aim for excellence.

The good thing is that talent is not fixed. It can be developed and grown. David Beckham may be one of the best practitioners of a dead ball in world football, but that is partly down to his natural talent, but also to the hours he spent honing these skills from an early age.

So when it comes to Prelims and Exams, study. Don't rely on chance or natural talent. Give yourself the best opportunity to succeed. Practice. Study. And ask for help and advice from all your teachers.

You may not believe it, but we ARE here to help. It's called job satisfaction!

Have a great 2010.

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