Mr Marcus McGowan MSc PgDip BA (Hons)

This Business Education Learning Blog is aimed primarily at Higher Business Management students/teachers and ICT students/teachers.

The aim of this blog is to provide you with interesting articles, news, trivia as well as resources or links to materials which will help in your course of study.

I am a Teacher of Business Education and I have written for Education Scotland and BBC Bitesize.

If you'd like to contact me please click on the link to: email me

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Learning Rounds

Took part today in my second Learning Rounds activity at the school where we were joined by visitors from India. It was very informative.


For those interested here is the briefing paper we received thanks to our DHT Mrs McAuley, before our class observations:


Learning Rounds Briefing Paper

The key learners in Learning Rounds are the team of observers. Observers learn from the practice they observe, often finding their perceptions both validated and challenged. Above all observing combined with the group discussions which follow creates deeper understanding around the process of Learning and Teaching, especially on the learning experiences of pupils, and the process of effective change leadership. Members of the group are required to refrain from evaluative comment when involved in group discussion around the observed data.


Observed Colleagues

The Learning Rounds protocol means that there is no evaluation of the individual and the practice observed is described in non-evaluative language eg I saw… A composite set of descriptive data is drawn from the observations. Many observed colleagues have found the experience interesting and have become involved as observers in the next Learning Round.

Learning Rounds on the day


·       We meet at 8.45 am in the staffroom for coffee and muffins. This allows for a recap of the approach and review of the theme being observed.

·       We spend the morning in the allocated classes (20-25 mins) – the “ swap “ over times need to be adhered to allow for as comprehensive an overview as possible

·       Colleagues keep a record of what they see by whatever means suits them. There are no formal recording sheets ( memory, brief notes)

·       We will take a morning break in the staffroom. There should be no discussion at this stage of what has been observed

·       At the end of the schedule, mirror teams meet for 15 – 20 minutes in the allocated rooms for the initial post observation discussions, and to begin to agree their descriptive data.

·       The full team meet to exchange the evidence generated and agree a final consensus on what was seen using the descriptive voice.

·       At the end of the Learning Rounds,  the information generated by the Learning Rounds will be collated.


My group visited PLP, ICT, Art, English, Maths, RE, and Science. A rich spectrum of classes and a variety of really interesting and stimulating lessons.


I would recommend this experience to every teacher.

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